Republicans in the 2Nd Congressional District in the State of Iowa meet in Fairfield on Saturday, April 24, 2010 for the District Convention. There was a good turnout from the 15 counties in the 2Nd District, but not all 128 delegates from Linn County were in attendance. Linn County will send 128 delegates to the State Convention in June.
The morning began with Senator Chuck Grassley addressing the GOP audiance. All three governor candidates spoke during the day. Governor Terry Branstad and State Representative Rod Roberts addressed the audiance early in the day. After Terry Branstad spoke, the first of four 2Nd Congressional candidates spoke, starting with Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, who is seeking the Republican nomination to face Democrat David Loebsack in the November general election.
The primary in the State of Iowa will be held on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 for both the Republican and Democrat parties in Iowa. Incumbant Governor Chet Culver and 2Nd District
Representative Loebsack, both Democrats, will each face an interesting race with Branstad and Miller-Meeks, the likely opponents.

Miller-Meeks had the strongest address of the afternoon. After the address, newly elected State Central Committee representative passed on his postitive impressions of Miller-Meeks strong speech to her campaign manager, Tracie Gibner. It rocked the audiance in Fairfield.
The three other 2Nd Congressional candidates, each from Linn County, addressed the audiance as well. Most of the speeches were similar to most speeches they have each given in the past. Miller-Meeks distinguished herself with a fresh and spiritied address to the activists in attendance at this year's district event.
Most of the GOP state candidates came to Fairfield to address the 2Nd District. Secretary of State candidate Matt Schultz of Council Bluffs spoke early in the day. Later in the day, State Auditor David Vaudt, Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey and Attorney General candidate Brenna Findley each addressed the audiance one after the other. All three were traveling the State together today.
Later in the day, State Treasurer candidate Dave Jamison and finally the third and last governor candidate Bob Vander Plaats addressed the audiance. By that time, most of the audiance was tired, after the long day of elections, especially with the State Cental Committee, which took multiple ballots, after David Chung of Linn County was elected on the first ballot.
Nine candidates seeked election to the State Central Committee from the 2Nd Congressional District. They elected three new members to the State Central Committee. Two of three incumbants seeked re-election, but each was voted out, including the longest member of the State Central Committee, Lisa Smith of Ottumwa.
The Republicans voted not to debate the platform this year in the 2Nd district, due to time constraints. This was a frustration for some in attendance, but the election of State Central Committee members and other elections took time. Further, there were a lot of candidate speeches, including House Minority Leader Kraig Paulsen of Linn County and GOP Iowa State Chairman Matt Strawn.
As mentioned, the June 8, 2010 primary in Iowa will determine the Republican and Democrat candidates for the general election on November 2, 2010.
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