You may find the following Monday, March 22, 2010 article was published in The Washington Post. titled, "A look at the health care overhaul bill" of interest.
The Public Interest Institute suggests the following on the ideology of reform, read: "Let the Market Work, Government Won't."
President Obama heading to Iowa City to promote Health Care Reform.
Obama To Speak About Health Care In Iowa City - WCCO - Mike Glover
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) ― President Barack Obama will speak about health care Thursday in Iowa City, marking passage of the historic legislation by returning ...
As National Write Your Congressman Reports on Monday, March 22, 2010 ...
Health Care Overhaul Bill: Democratic leaders in the House have promoted legislation designed to remake the nation's health care system. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) posted a preliminary $940 billion cost estimate for the bill. President Obama canceled a planned trip to Asia to help push through the legislation. The House voted and passed the health care package on Sunday, March 21, with floor action to follow in the Senate as early as this week.Republicans were thwarted in a bid to bar Democrats from using a rule that allowed them to clear the Senate-passed health care overhaul and to pass a reconciliation bill after making changes to that measure. (H.R.4872)
Budget Math Hinders Health Care Bill: House Democrats had difficulties crafting a final health care bill that would achieve a five-year deficit reduction of more than $100 billion. The problem delayed what party leaders hope will be a final vote on the measure to Sunday.Under the little-known rules for budget reconciliation, a bill passed through the expedited parliamentary process must produce a greater deficit reduction than the legislation it amends. Since the Senate health care bill would produce $104 billion in deficit savings in its first five years, according to the CBO, the final bill — which will include changes to the Senate bill — must provide more savings. (H.R.3590) (H.R.2847)
Hammering home reform - The Economist
Barack Obama’s health reforms cross the most important threshold
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