- Taxes are out of control, and you know it.
- Deficits are out of control, and you know it.
- Gifts of taxpayer money to banks and special interests are out of control, and you know it.
- The economy and the future of country are out of control, and you know it.
Your Senators and their phone numbers:
- Charles 'Chuck' E. Grassley - (202) 224-3744
- Tom Harkin - (202) 224-3254
Your Member of the House of Representatives:
- David 'Dave' Loebsack - (202) 225-6576
Make three calls, all on April Fool’s Day. Tell your Senators and Member of Congress you are not fooled, you know what is happening to our nation.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans calling every Senator and Member of Congress on one very appropriate day, April Fool’s Day! They will never forget it!
Make your three calls this Thursday, April 1st!
We received the above e-mail from http://FairTax.org.