04 January 2009

Do the Ends justify the Means in Illinois?

President-elect Barack Obama has said the following about Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's appointment of former state comptroller and attorney general Roland Burris to Obama's vacating senate position on Tuesday.
"Roland Burris is a good man and a fine public servant, but the Senate
Democrats made it clear weeks ago that they cannot accept an appointment made by a governor who is accused of selling this very Senate seat," Obama said in a
statement. "The best resolution would be for the governor to resign his office
and allow a lawful and appropriate process of succession."
It has been reported by the Chicago Sun-Times that Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) joined Blagojevich and Burris at their joint news conference Tuesday. He asked in an impassioned plea to his Senate counterparts to let Burris take office so at least one member is African American.
"He will be a great United States senator," Blagojevich said of Burris.
"Please don't let the allegations against me taint this good and honest

As President-elect Obama indicated no person can be acceptable, after the accusations brought up against the Governor of Illinois. The governor needs to step aside. But, it appears some in Illinois feel the ends do justify the means. It appears race could become an issue in an attempt to trump ethics.


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