Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA is a community of approximately 126,000 people and located approximately 30 minutes north of the University of Iowa. The community is located roughly four hours west of Chicago, Illinois. Cedar Rapids is roughly 4-5 hours drive from Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha and Minneapolis. A community that once boast, that we are the world's leader in exports per capita. A community rebuilding from a change in form of government and from the Flood of 2008!
27 January 2009
H.R. 1 - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
The House of Representatives will be considering an $825 billion economic recovery package Tuesday and Wednesday, with a vote expected Wednesday afternoon or evening.
(H.R.1) Among other things, the package aims to:
• Double within three years the amount of energy that could be produced from renewable resources
• Upgrade 10,000 schools and improve learning for about 5 million students
• Save $2 billion a year by making federal buildings energy efficient
• Triple the number of undergraduate and graduate fellowships in science
Spending highlights:
• $20 billion or more in renewable energy tax cuts and a tax credits
• $92 billion for infrastructure projects
• $43 billion to provide extended unemployment benefits through Dec. 31
• $159 billion towards education and state fiscal relief to prevent cuts in state aid
• $154.5 billion towards health care, including aid to states for Medicare costs and funding to subsidize health care insurance for the unemployed
• $140 billion for individual tax breaks
Click here for more detailed spending information
Click here to read the Democrat’s view of the package (PDF)
Click here to read the Republican’s view of the package
Should Congress pass H.R.1?
We encourage you to let your representatives know how you feel on this very important issue.
26 January 2009
Continuing the theme: Is Government the problem or the Solution?
Take a look at the following highlights from this week's newsletter from:
National Write Your Congressman, 214-342-0299 http://www.spesend.net/SpeClicks.aspx?X=2R0QE581HQM573RS00ZMWI
Vol. 13 No. 1-3
Monday, January 26, 2009
National Write Your Congressman’s MissionMortgage Bill Added to Stimulus Package
To encourage responsible
Americans to use their influence in government to preserve the freedoms set
forth by our Founding Fathers.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said representatives are considering legislation aimed at preventing foreclosures by allowing judges to alter the terms of primary residential mortgages in bankruptcy proceedings. Senate lawmakers had also indicated that they might include such a provision in their version of the stimulus plan. (S.1) Click here for more information on this issue.
Wage Bias Bill Advances in Senate
The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act, which would allow workers who allege discrimination based on race, gender, national origin, religion, age or disability to sue anytime within 180 days of receiving their last discriminatory paycheck, has advanced in the Senate. The House passed a broader version of the legislation earlier this month. The two bills will have to be reconciled before a final bill can be sent to President Obama for his signature.
The measure would overturn a 2007 Supreme Court decision in which justices ruled 5-4 that Ms. Ledbetter, a supervisor at a Goodyear Tire Plant in Alabama who discovered she had been paid less than her male counterparts for nearly 20 years, could not sue because she had failed to challenge the discrimination within 180 days of the time it first occurred. (H.R.11) (S.181) Click here for more information on this issue.Click here to voice your opinion on this issue.
Guantanamo Bay to be Closed
President Obama issued a series of executive orders requiring closure of the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within a year, ordering a review of detainee policies and requiring that all interrogations of detainees follow the Army Field Manual interrogation guidelines.
Product Safety Law
Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) is calling for Congress to revise and delay a law that institutes a ban on lead in children’s products. It is scheduled to go into effect Feb. 10, but Rep. Barton says it is too broad and could potentially harm small businesses.
Renewable Energy
Lawmakers are considering a bill that supporters say would be a major step toward addressing climate change and dependence on fossil fuels. Critics of the bill say that it would raise electricity bills for consumers in regions, such as the Southeast, with limited solar and wind resources. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairman Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) is sponsoring the bill. (H.R.598)
House and Senate Vote on TARP Funds
The House passed a resolution of disapproval designed to temporarily block the release of the second half of the $700 billion financial bailout fund. However, the Senate last week rejected a similar resolution, thus allowing the Obama administration to tap the remaining $350 billion in the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) created last fall. The remaining funds are scheduled to be released on Jan. 27. (H.R.384)
Public Insurance Programs in Stimulus Package
Two House committees approved sections of an economic stimulus bill that are intended to expand public insurance programs to cover many of the unemployed and accelerate the use of electronic medical records. Republicans were excluded from the drafting of the stimulus measure and oppose both its price tag, which is $825 billion, and its policy proposals, which they say represent a huge expansion of government. President Obama has agreed to meet privately with Republicans to address the issue. (H.R.598)
Broadband Provisions in Stimulus Package
House members could include a bill in the stimulus package that would provide $2.8 billion in grants for wired and wireless broadband deployment in parts of the country that have little or no Internet infrastructure. (H.R.598)
Cidsports and our public policy blog encourage you to network with your government officials in 2009. We need to encourage accountability and transparency at all levels of government.
House Republicans Call for More Transparency and Oversight in the Budget Process in the State of Iowa.
25 January 2009
Is a Big Government Bailout the right direction... how are things going locally?
The Gazette reports Culver drops Iowa Lottery lease idea, which should be good news for the taxpayers of the State of Iowa.
The January 23, 2009 edition of The Des Moines Register online features an article titled Federal road money may save 'a lot of jobs' in Iowa. For more on this issue, read Public Interest Institute Brief: Spending Our Transportation Dollars Wisely.
The Gazette's article reports U.S. 30, I-80 make stimulus funding list this week. Further, another article reports Harkin: $800 million for Iowa in stimulus bill
How much of the Federal Government stimulus plan will include rebuilding infrastructure and housing impacted by the Floods of 2008 and other natural disasters in 2008? We did hear a little from the White House about Katrina and New Orleans on Inauguration Day.
KatrinaWhat about the past year's disasters, Mr. President? What about the City of Cedar Rapids, the State of Iowa and elsewhere impacted by Flood or other natural disaster, Mr. President?
President Obama will keep the broken promises made by President
Bush to rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. He and Vice President Biden will
take steps to ensure that the federal government will never again allow such
catastrophic failures in emergency planning and response to occur.
Obama swiftly responded to Hurricane Katrina. Citing the Bush Administration's
"unconscionable ineptitude" in responding to Hurricane Katrina, then-Senator
Obama introduced legislation requiring disaster planners to take into account
the specific needs of low-income hurricane victims. Obama visited thousands of
Hurricane survivors in the Houston Convention Center and later took three more
trips to the region. He worked with members of the Congressional Black Caucus to
introduce legislation to address the immediate income, employment, business, and
housing needs of Gulf Coast communities.
President Barack Obama will partner
with the people of the Gulf Coast to rebuild now, stronger than ever.
Will President Barack Obama be a partner with the people of Iowa to rebuild now, stronger than ever?
We have five members of Congress, two U.S. Senators and of course Governor Chet Culver... what are they doing to help encourage our President to partner with the people of Iowa to rebuild now?
Cedar Rapids historic buildings make 'most endangered' list, reports The Gazette and properties impacted by the Flood of 2008.
The Gazette's article had another article on State agency overseeing disaster rebuilding efforts: Rebuild Iowa Office to face lawmakers' scrutiny.
A 20 percent Gas Tax increase proposal for the State of Iowa? What? Key lawmakers see debate on gas tax hike an article this past week in The Gazette reported. An eight cent increase represents a 20 percent tax increase.
And, what about the City of Cedar Rapids and plans to increase taxes soon?
Ten percent residential property tax increase proposal for the City of Cedar Rapids, including 7 percent and 6-7 percent for industrial and commercial properties, respectively!
Further, our city's leaders and the Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce are working right now to propose an one percent local option sales tax for flood recovery. Will a local city sales tax include property tax relief for property owners, as the recent school sales tax did? Local option tax bill may mean C.R. vote in March, reports The Gazette.
How will Linn County get involved?
Will the State of Iowa make any future city sales tax permanent, like the State Legislature did with the school tax that was recently approved by Linn County and Johnson County voters in 2008?
Due to the impact of the local, state and national recession we are in, is any tax increase at this time good for our communities?
Another article of interest by The Gazette: Who owns Cedar Rapids City Hall?
20 January 2009
January 20, 2009 - Congratulations to our new President on Inauguration Day 2009

It is pleasing to hear that the Inauguration Day appears to be going well in Washington D.C. today. A massive crowd and little news, if any, of any conflicts.
We need hope. We need to move on from the challenges over the past twenty years and work together neighbor to neighbor... state to state... as Americans throughout the country.
08 January 2009
Today's Topic: Tax Cuts and Taxes
Heritage Foundation has a new policy paper: Economic Recovery: How Best to End the Recession http://tinyurl.com/9vvftt
The Heritage Foundation's new Foundry post: CAP: The Country Needs More Bush/Obamaism http://tinyurl.com/a49u2p
For more on taxes, read Facts and Opinions, "How Taxes Corrupt" from the Public Interest Institute.
07 January 2009
Today's Topic: Earmarks and Pork Barrel Spending
CNN reports in a story titled, Obama to make case for 'urgent action' on economic recovery plan.
- Banning earmarks
- Oversight board
"We are going to ban all earmarks, the process by which individual members
insert pet projects without review," - President-elect Barack Obama
WSJ Wall Street Journal reports Obama Taps Killefer for New Post http://tinyurl.com/8tgszd
nytimes New York Times headline: $1.2 Trillion Deficit Forecast as Obama Weighs Options http://tinyurl.com/9crg97
usnews Story from US News & World Report titled Obama's Trillion Dollar Deficits and Taxes http://tinyurl.com/7fon29For more on earmarks, read Public Interest Institute Brief, "Pork, Politics Gone Bad."
06 January 2009
Today's topic: Economic Development
The January 5, 2009 edition of The Gazette in Cedar Rapids features an article, State economic incentives face possible cuts
"I think what we're seeing is other states are actually paring back their
economic development packages, and so it really presents an opportunity for
Iowa." - John Gilliland
The Tuesday, January 6, 2009 edition of the Oelwein Daily Register features an article, Education and roads are on local leaders’ minds.
“Iowa relies heavily on property taxes. This is a good year to take a look
at other possibilities.” - House Speaker Pat Murphy of Dubuque
The Tuesday, January 6, 2009 edition of the Des Moines Register features an article, Yepsen: We need less government, not more taxes. It points another side to the challenges impacting the State of Iowa: the size of government and the thirst for more revenue through taxes and users fees.
For more on economic development issues in Iowa, read Public Interest Institute Brief, Tourism, Economic Development, and the Role of the State: Honey Creek Resort.
05 January 2009
How far will they go: Massive Economic Stimulus plans in Washington DC?
The April 21, 2008, edition of U.S. News & World Report featured a cover
story titled, "Big Government: It’s back — no matter who wins. Americans want
Uncle Sam to solve their problems…" The Monday, May 19, 2008, edition of USA
Today featured a headline, "Bill for taxpayers swells by trillions: Deficit far
bigger than government estimate."
Fast forward to January 5, 2009.
- RedState Why the Obama Stimulus Will Fail, Chapter 217 http://tinyurl.com/7nxbx7
- WSJ Frugal Families Aggravate Nation's Economic Woes http://tinyurl.com/9ov5xb
- USATODAY Gas prices rise for the first time in 16 weeks http://tinyurl.com/7ejbaj
- techRepublican Proposed Stimulus Plan Could Embrace Better Transparency in Spending http://twurl.nl/b3x5el
- WSJ A Happy Lesson on Lending http://tinyurl.com/8x6dyk
- nytimes Obama Pushes for Stimulus on Capitol Hill http://tinyurl.com/8rghdv
Happy New Year... the 111Th Congress is getting ready to rock and roll in Washington DC.
04 January 2009
Combat Fraud on the Internet
Happy New Year to everyone and don't forget to be careful online and/or throughout your personal routines in life.
Do the Ends justify the Means in Illinois?
"Roland Burris is a good man and a fine public servant, but the SenateIt has been reported by the Chicago Sun-Times that Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) joined Blagojevich and Burris at their joint news conference Tuesday. He asked in an impassioned plea to his Senate counterparts to let Burris take office so at least one member is African American.
Democrats made it clear weeks ago that they cannot accept an appointment made by a governor who is accused of selling this very Senate seat," Obama said in a
statement. "The best resolution would be for the governor to resign his office
and allow a lawful and appropriate process of succession."
"He will be a great United States senator," Blagojevich said of Burris.
"Please don't let the allegations against me taint this good and honest
As President-elect Obama indicated no person can be acceptable, after the accusations brought up against the Governor of Illinois. The governor needs to step aside. But, it appears some in Illinois feel the ends do justify the means. It appears race could become an issue in an attempt to trump ethics.
peaceJanuary 1-4, 2009: Recent News around the State of Iowa and CID

Government at the Brink: The Root Causes of Government Waste and Mismanagement (Paperback) by The Fred Thompson Report (Author)
The message we noticed today on Fred Thompson's book.
zpetersen #TCOT Everyone should read "Government At The Brink" By Sen Fred Thompson: Vol1: http://tinyurl.com/965eyd & Vol2: http://tinyurl.com/766x4pJanuary 1 to 4, 2009: Week in review for Cedar Rapids and the State of Iowa:

2008: Year of the River in the City of Cedar Rapids
Calendar year 2008 a snowy, with frequent tornadoes http://tinyurl.com/7gbb4v
We saw a pretty wet year in Iowa in 2008, indeed.
Top ISU administrators to take unpaid furloughs http://tinyurl.com/79uq8w
Like many college and universities around the heartland, the economic and financial crisis is changing how budgets and staff decisions are made.
Harry Potter prints to help in Cedar Rapids flood recovery http://tinyurl.com/73q9v4
This is linked as a tribute to my family, who have an avid interest in the movies and books.
Cedar Rapids mayor hopes for federal help in flood recovery plan http://tinyurl.com/9w5tbq
Mayor Kay Halloran in Cedar Rapids says ...
"We don't have time to wait. We have plenty of damage already done whichClimate Change Advisory Council talks about final report http://tinyurl.com/8flu33
needs to be repaired and replaced, so as long as the federal government is
available and ready and willing to invest in these kinds of projects, we
have projects for them."
The State of Iowa seeks solutions to climate change issue.
Six men seek role of Iowa GOP chairman http://tinyurl.com/9rqoz8
Paul Pate of Cedar Rapids and Christopher Reed of Marion among six men seeking position.
Cedar Rapids to lose employer Sealed Air Cryovac and locally 250 jobs
Hawkeyes win Outback Bowl : (Tampa) -- Iowa blew out South Carolina 31-10 to win the Outback Bowl. The Hawkeyes .. http://tinyurl.com/98eldf
Iowa is called the Hawkeye State, so a little good news is in order!
Gas Tax May Rise to Pay Road Bills : CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) - The state is facing a $267 million annual shortfa.. http://tinyurl.com/8vwede
State of Iowa may seak to raise gasoline tax to pay for road improvements.
2008 Tornadoes Deadliest Since 1968: DES MOINES (AP) - Last year in Iowa, tornadoes claimed the lives of a dozen.. http://tinyurl.com/7f8ht4
We are reminded that we make up the northern route of Tornado Alley.
Iowa Council Releases Plan to Cut Greenhouse Gases: DES MOINES (AP) - The Iowa Climate Change Advisory Council h.. http://tinyurl.com/a3853j
The 23-member Governor Chet Culver appointed council presented the report during a news conference on Friday.
Linn County Elected Officials Sworn in to Office: CEDAR RAPIDS - On Friday, the Linn County Board of Supervisors.. http://tinyurl.com/85shg6
Supervisor Brent Oleson, District 4 becomes the only Republican office holder for Linn County.
Is this man the next U.S. Senator or is it this guy?

No, this isn't a SNL comedy skit, but the current set of affairs in the Land of 10,000 Lakes

The soap opera continues in the State of Illinois as Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's pick to fill President-elect Barack Obama's Senate seat is contested.
We know President-elect Barack Obama is working on a new nominee for Commerce secretary. It clearly is a "Next man in" situation in Washington D.C. right now. We see it in sports all the time, but in politics?
peaceNew Mexico Governor Bill Richardson withdrawals as Commerce Secretary nominee

02 January 2009
Topic for discussion: Limited Government and Government Stimulus Plans
Over the past one to two years in the City of Cedar Rapids, the local city council appears to be looking to expand the size of local government. We see on the State level as well with the expansion of the Iowa State budget.
The impact on Federal government spending in the stimulus package could have an impact in Cedar Rapids on flood recovery, our new federal court house and a variety of economic development issues.
01 January 2009
Policy Discussion of the Day: Road Use Taxes