Globally, the Wednesday, December 3, 2008 edition of The Wall Street Journal in the Opinion section featured an article titled We Need a Global Carbon Tax. For more on the issue of global warming, read Institute Brief: Global Warming: Making the Evidence Fit the Theory.
The National Write Your Congressmen web site had a headline titled Letting the Bush Tax Cuts Expire. The web site mentioned, the following, which will have the same effect of a tax increase if the tax cuts are allowed to expire...
"With President-elect Barack Obama counting the days until his presidency
begins, Democrats in Congress are beginning to think about how they will
the tax cuts implemented by the Bush administration."
Locally, KCRG's web site is reporting in a December 4, 2008 story by reporter Mark
Geary: Shoppers Debate Potential New Local Sales Tax. The article reports that some on the City Council want to create a two percent local sales tax. Some would like the State of Iowa to allow the City Council to introduce the city sales tax without a vote of the people. Current Iowa
State law requires a public vote.
Geary: Shoppers Debate Potential New Local Sales Tax. The article reports that some on the City Council want to create a two percent local sales tax. Some would like the State of Iowa to allow the City Council to introduce the city sales tax without a vote of the people. Current Iowa
State law requires a public vote.
It is cold in the air in Cedar Rapids tonight, per twitter.com...
Tonight: Clearing and cold - Low near -3...wind chills near -10. More
snow on
Saturday - 1 to 3 inches during the morning. What a December!
Well, there appears to be more than chilly temperatures in the air. Taxes increases: globally, nationally and locally are clearly in the air today.
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