Tuesday, December 30, 2008 online edition of the Washington Times features an article titled Unions clash with cost-cutting state legislators. For more on the cost of government, read the following Institute Brief: The burden of government from the Public Interest Institute.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA is a community of approximately 126,000 people and located approximately 30 minutes north of the University of Iowa. The community is located roughly four hours west of Chicago, Illinois. Cedar Rapids is roughly 4-5 hours drive from Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha and Minneapolis. A community that once boast, that we are the world's leader in exports per capita. A community rebuilding from a change in form of government and from the Flood of 2008!
30 December 2008
27 December 2008
Interesting Twitter link today from Newsweek

Newsweek (Newsweek) Dec 27, 07:10 PM (reply) (original post) Interesting: Have you guys played with http://tweetree.com/ ? What do you think?
Tweetree - Birds in a tree. [tweetree.com]
Tweetree - Birds in a tree. [tweetree.com]
Another way to view and post to http://twitter.com/
Can Pakistan cure it's internal cancer problem?
Reuters reports in a December 27, 2008 story titled Pakistan says "will not act" against India.
Can the "epicenter" of terrorism as India puts it be reduced in 2009?
This issue isn't just important to the United States and India, but will have an impact on global policy throughout the region and world in 2009 and beyond.
"We ourselves have accepted that we have a cancer...Yes, we will cure it. We
will solve this problem," - Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari
Can the "epicenter" of terrorism as India puts it be reduced in 2009?
This issue isn't just important to the United States and India, but will have an impact on global policy throughout the region and world in 2009 and beyond.
Asif Ali Zardari,
United States
Hope everyone is having a very nice and enjoyable Christmas holiday. Christmas isn't only celebrated for one day is it?
Merry Christmas
23 December 2008
What will the 111th Congress do or shouldn't do on Taxes?
A recent article comes from the National Taxpayer Union website and addresses potential tax hikes in 2009. Nation's Largest Taxpayer Group Warns of Unwanted New Year's Greetings: 10 Tax Hikes in the 111th Congress For more on the issue of taxes and spending by in Iowa, read Public Interest Institute Brief titled No Income Tax: The Key to Economic Growth.
'Tis the season, to discuss and forecast future Tax Policy? Merry Christmas to all!
'Tis the season, to discuss and forecast future Tax Policy? Merry Christmas to all!
18 December 2008
52% of Americans believe Obama will raise taxes on Small Business*
The Thursday, December 18, 2008 edition of The Los Angeles Times contains an article titled California Democrats devise plan to hike taxes. For more on the issue of tax policy, read No Income Tax: The Key to Economic Growth.
Bush Leaves Obama a Financial Crisis, but Doesn’t Want to per a US News & World Report opinion article today.
* Source of Headline: Campaign Falsehoods Linger On per another US News & World Report article.
Bush Leaves Obama a Financial Crisis, but Doesn’t Want to per a US News & World Report opinion article today.
* Source of Headline: Campaign Falsehoods Linger On per another US News & World Report article.
Are we next here in the United States?
ABC News in Australia has article titled Mid-air accident highlights need for better air traffic controls: Bankstown Mayor. Will the economic downturn in the United States and globally have a safety impact in our own skies over North America?
MarketWatch's recent airline news: US Airline Pilots Association Allows Safety Program to Lapse Citing Carrier's Mismanagement of Critical Immunity Provisions.
MarketWatch's recent airline news: US Airline Pilots Association Allows Safety Program to Lapse Citing Carrier's Mismanagement of Critical Immunity Provisions.
17 December 2008
Politics Gone Bad; Gas Prices rising and Concerns in schools
The Wednesday, December 17, 2008 edition of The Washington Post contains an article titled Rep. Jackson Said to Have Reported Blagojevich Request. For more on the issue of doing more to stop improper political influence, read Pork, Politics Gone Bad.
It doesn't appear that the Illinois governor will give up, without being forced out. Fox News reports a story on the State of Illinois' situation in the governor's office.
T. Boone Pickens comments on OPEC's plan to raise oil prices through reducing supply.
CNN reports on Children forced into cell-like school seclusion rooms, including a death in a school in Georgia.
It doesn't appear that the Illinois governor will give up, without being forced out. Fox News reports a story on the State of Illinois' situation in the governor's office.
T. Boone Pickens comments on OPEC's plan to raise oil prices through reducing supply.
CNN reports on Children forced into cell-like school seclusion rooms, including a death in a school in Georgia.
12 December 2008
Flood of 2008: Impact on tourism funding; more aid for flood victims
The Thursday, December 11, 2008 edition of The Des Moines Register featured an article titled State will transfer $1.9 million to CAT, the article discusses tourism funding following the 2008 floods. In a separate article from Radio Iowa titled Money available for flood victims from Jumpstart Express.
10 December 2008
US wants to pursue Somali pirates
bbcworld "The US wants to get UN authority to pursue Somali pirates on land, UN diplomats say." US gets tough on Somali pirates in Thursday, December 11, 2008 article by the BBC.
Interesting article on Roosevelt health records... Secrecy, so what's next?

We have a new president coming in 2009. In many respects, there has been a lot of secrecy on his background.
Clearly, facts and perceptions have been clouded by both sides in some of the partisanship communications that clearly occurred during the campaigns.
Our President-elect would like to hear from you. Share your vision for what
America can be, where President-Elect Obama should lead this country. Where
should we start together?
America can be, where President-Elect Obama should lead this country. Where
should we start together?
Whether you are Red, Green or Blue, it's clearly important to participate in the process. A site to consider... National Write Your Congressman, which is a vehicle to communicate with elected officials and the media.
A Live Chat Today with The Gazette on Local Sales Tax
Live chat: On proposed sales tax increase for Cedar Rapids today from 11 am to 11:30 am with The Gazette's Rick Smith.
Proposal by local councilman in The Gazette story by Rick Smith.
Eye on the Island - By Rick Smith The Gazette
Latest post: Prosser named Iowa’s ‘Manager of the Year,’ but he didn’t tell anybody
Proposal by local councilman in The Gazette story by Rick Smith.
Eye on the Island - By Rick Smith The Gazette
Latest post: Prosser named Iowa’s ‘Manager of the Year,’ but he didn’t tell anybody
A commentary received in the mail from P.T.L...
A commentary received recently regarding concerns of lack of limited and efficiency government in Cedar Rapids...
Mister P.T.L.
Article on the Justin Shields proposal from KCRG-TV last week.
Rick Smith's recent blog post for the Cedar Rapids Gazette comments about the City of Cedar Rapids' city manager's award.
Local Media Outlets are reporting that the City Manager in C.R. was namedIndian Creek Neighborhood Blogger,
Iowa Manager of the Year, but he didn't tell anyone.
While his humility is to be commended, we have a member of our C.R. City
Council proposing a 2 cents on the dollar Option Tax, without a Vote, which
isn't even legal in Iowa, yet...and hopes the State Legislature will allow,
under the Broad Category, to help Flood victims. This tax,is being
proposed for 10 years. Where's the Manager's Leadership hereto squelch
such rhetoric in its idea phase, and set the record straight on what's allowed
by the Code of Iowa?
Soon the City will divvy out shares of the Annual Hotel/Motel Tax for next
year? Will the focus of this Million Dollars Plus in Annual Revenue go
towards Flood Relief? With projected revenue shortfalls ahead, due to both the
Flood and the Economy, personnel cuts and Privatization of Publicly run entities
will definitely be on the table as options to improve our use of tax dollars to
fund City Government. What is our City Manager's Vision for improving
Government's Efficiency in a Post-Flood, Economic Downturn C.R.?
Good Government requires Good Vision, Timely implementation of Policies and
retooling and restaffing to meet the new and emerging priorities of the
day! Now that Jimmy has earned his Stripes by being lauded as being the
Best Manager in Iowa, will he live up to his pedigree and our expectations as he
steers us forward using Limited and Efficient Government to guide us through
this Post-Flood Era in the City of 5 Seasons?
Time will tell, as we continue to march towards 2020, with Perfect Vision
for our future, hoping and praying that it's implemented on a Broad Scale to
Protect and Serve our City's Future Viability and Competitive Drive against the Dubuque's,
Waterloo's, Ft. Dodge's and West Des Moines' in securing our share of the pie for our
friends, neighbors and fellow Cedar Rapidians! Is Jimmy on Board with this?
Our Economic future, or lack there of, DEPENDS on it!
Mister P.T.L.
Article on the Justin Shields proposal from KCRG-TV last week.
Rick Smith's recent blog post for the Cedar Rapids Gazette comments about the City of Cedar Rapids' city manager's award.
09 December 2008
Long-term Manufacturing plant in Cedar Rapids may be on the way out?
KCRG-TV's web site is reporting in a story titled "Cedar Rapids Plant May Close" that the manufacturing facility with operations since 1951 in Cedar Rapids may be at risk.
The story report:
"The company has locations all over the world and could close the Cedar Rapids plant by moving some of the work to other plants in North America."
Hopefully, the Cedar Rapids plant will not be impacted.
The story report:
"The company has locations all over the world and could close the Cedar Rapids plant by moving some of the work to other plants in North America."
Hopefully, the Cedar Rapids plant will not be impacted.
Cedar Rapids,
Plant Closing,
Legit Question? Should Chicago win the Olympic Bid?
With the corruption charges today with the Governor and his Chief of Staff, should the City of Chicago, with the corruption reputation of the City and State, be rewarded with the Olympic Games?
Fond Ties Have Grown Between Chicago and Its Corruption Fighter -
The same year his office pursued corruption charges against associates of Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago, a Democrat like Mr. Blagojevich, ... New York Times
Highlights of the Blagojevich Corruption Charges - Wall Street Journal Blogs
Illinois has long legacy of public corruption - MSNBC
Now, the current governor of Illinois is under investigation and a previous one is already in prison.
Should Chicago be the 2016 host of the Olympic Games?
Fond Ties Have Grown Between Chicago and Its Corruption Fighter -
The same year his office pursued corruption charges against associates of Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago, a Democrat like Mr. Blagojevich, ... New York Times
Highlights of the Blagojevich Corruption Charges - Wall Street Journal Blogs
Illinois has long legacy of public corruption - MSNBC
Now, the current governor of Illinois is under investigation and a previous one is already in prison.
Should Chicago be the 2016 host of the Olympic Games?
Corruption in Government,
State of Illinois
Rememeber when Cedar Rapids considered selling Twin Pines GC?
Well, the City of Des Moines per a twitter update tonight:
DesMoinesNews [DSM-Register] Parks board recommends new management for two golf courses: The Des Moines Parks discussions are in a story titled "Parks board recommends new management for two golf courses."
A good friend in Cedar Rapids has often pointed out that outside management may be a good direction for the City of Cedar Rapids to take in improving the operation and efficiency of the Cedar Rapids golf operations.
DesMoinesNews [DSM-Register] Parks board recommends new management for two golf courses: The Des Moines Parks discussions are in a story titled "Parks board recommends new management for two golf courses."
A good friend in Cedar Rapids has often pointed out that outside management may be a good direction for the City of Cedar Rapids to take in improving the operation and efficiency of the Cedar Rapids golf operations.
On the twitter wire by cidsports:

usnews Goldman Sachs: A Housing Fix... an article on the US News & World Report web site today.
One thought from http://twitter.com/cidsports would be for the Federal Government to stop taxing consumers when Credit Card companies and banks forgive consumers on accrued interest. Credit card interest is no longer deductible, so why tax consumers, if they negotiate accrued interest, due to financial reasons?
Another suggestion would be to index the Alternative Minimum Tax, so it doesn't catch up with those people that the AMT was never intended for.
food for thought
The Key to Economic Growth; President-elect wants your feedback
Advertising Age has an article titled "Why Walmart's Winning: Gas Prices Pump up Retailer's Sales." For more on the free market economy, read Institute Brief: No Income Tax: The Key to Economic Growth.
Have you provided feedback your feedback yet America?
Hey,President-elect Obama's Transition team is inviting Americans from every walk of life to share their stories, experiences, and ideas. Visit the following link to start:
Have you provided feedback your feedback yet America?
Hey,President-elect Obama's Transition team is inviting Americans from every walk of life to share their stories, experiences, and ideas. Visit the following link to start:
We have a lot of work to do at the local, State and Federal level. All our participation will be important.
05 December 2008
Could person with Cedar Rapids roots play role opening at the New York Fed?
The Friday, December 5, 2008 edition of The Wall Street Journal in the Opinion section features an article titled Opening at the Fed. For more on the Federal Reserve, read Institute Brief: The Mythology of Fed Control of the Economy.
The WSJ article mentions a person with roots from Cedar Rapids...
If memory serves me correct, John Lipsky is the son of Abbott and Joan Lipsky of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. John's father, Abbott, passed away in May 2008.
The WSJ article mentions a person with roots from Cedar Rapids...
Better choices would include current Fed Governor Kevin Warsh, who was
early in identifying the problems at Fannie Mae and also warned about the credit
mania; John
Lipsky, a former Wall Streeter who is now chief economist at the
IMF; David Malpass, an economist who worked at the Reagan Treasury and long
predicted the credit bubble; or one of the non-New York regional Fed presidents,
such as Gary Stern of Minneapolis or Dallas's Richard Fisher, who had first-hand
experience with the dollar crisis of the 1970s and dissented from the policy
that created the 2007-2008 Bernanke oil and commodity
Whoever is picked will need to work closely with the
Obama Treasury but should also bring an independent point of view. At this
watershed moment for world financial markets, the New York Fed needs more than a
monetary technician. It needs a policy heavyweight with some guts.
If memory serves me correct, John Lipsky is the son of Abbott and Joan Lipsky of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. John's father, Abbott, passed away in May 2008.
We Remember: The Tragic Day in Omaha

The Omaha World-Herald in a Friday, December 5, 2008 titled story Von Maur victims' families look to one another helps with the grief on the one year anniversary of the tragic shooting at the Omaha mall.
Omaha was home for nearly six years. We have family in Omaha, with two nieces currently working at the mall where the shooting took place.
We can not bring the victims back, but we can certainly remember them today and always.
We can not bring the victims back, but we can certainly remember them today and always.
Omaha World-Herald,
Von Maur Westroads Mall
04 December 2008
Troubles in the Automotive Industry aren't just an American problem
BBC is reporting expected job losses at Honda in England. In a story titled UK Honda staff facing redundancy as of Friday, December 5, 2008.
Auto Industry,
Economic Crisis,
The 111th Congress from the State of Iowa
State of Iowa
House Members for the State of Iowa
Braley, Bruce [D]
Loebsack, David [D]
Boswell, Leonard [D]
Latham, Thomas [R]
King, Steve [R]
Braley, Bruce [D]
Loebsack, David [D]
Boswell, Leonard [D]
Latham, Thomas [R]
King, Steve [R]
Iowa Supreme Court: Plenty of interest coming on Tuesday
KCCI-TV in Des Moines, Iowa is reported today, Thursday, December 4, 2008, a story entitled Iowa Marriage Hearing Set To Draw Crowd. The Iowa Supreme Court "will begin deciding fate of same-sex marriage ban on Tuesday" for citizens in the State of Iowa.
"I can't remember, and I've talked to several people who've been here
for quite awhile, this much interest in a case before the oral
arguments," - Iowa Supreme Court spokesman Steve Davis.
We need more taxes... Globally, Nationally and Locally, right?

Globally, the Wednesday, December 3, 2008 edition of The Wall Street Journal in the Opinion section featured an article titled We Need a Global Carbon Tax. For more on the issue of global warming, read Institute Brief: Global Warming: Making the Evidence Fit the Theory.
The National Write Your Congressmen web site had a headline titled Letting the Bush Tax Cuts Expire. The web site mentioned, the following, which will have the same effect of a tax increase if the tax cuts are allowed to expire...
"With President-elect Barack Obama counting the days until his presidency
begins, Democrats in Congress are beginning to think about how they will
the tax cuts implemented by the Bush administration."
Locally, KCRG's web site is reporting in a December 4, 2008 story by reporter Mark
Geary: Shoppers Debate Potential New Local Sales Tax. The article reports that some on the City Council want to create a two percent local sales tax. Some would like the State of Iowa to allow the City Council to introduce the city sales tax without a vote of the people. Current Iowa
State law requires a public vote.
Geary: Shoppers Debate Potential New Local Sales Tax. The article reports that some on the City Council want to create a two percent local sales tax. Some would like the State of Iowa to allow the City Council to introduce the city sales tax without a vote of the people. Current Iowa
State law requires a public vote.
It is cold in the air in Cedar Rapids tonight, per twitter.com...
Tonight: Clearing and cold - Low near -3...wind chills near -10. More
snow on
Saturday - 1 to 3 inches during the morning. What a December!
Well, there appears to be more than chilly temperatures in the air. Taxes increases: globally, nationally and locally are clearly in the air today.
02 December 2008
How much will you be purchasing online for this Christmas buying season?
The Tuesday, December 2, 2008 edition of The Burlington Hawk Eye's Business section features an article titled Retailers go online for 'Cyber Monday.' For more on the issue of Internet sales, read Institute Brief: Hands Off Taxing On-Line Purchases!
I know my daughter enjoys purchasing on the Internet and there is no question that more and more will jump on and purchase online now and in the future.
I know my daughter enjoys purchasing on the Internet and there is no question that more and more will jump on and purchase online now and in the future.
Should the Government bailout the Big 3 Automakers?
Automakers try again; UAW to meet to talk concessions is reported in an Associated Press article on the Quad Cities Times web site. Should Congress bailout the Big 3 Automakers? Where do these bailouts begin and end?
By the way, I picked up this story from a twitter.
By the way, I picked up this story from a twitter.
Associated Press,
Auto Industry,
Quad City Times
Should Casinos be allowed to permit smoking in Iowa?
The Monday, December 1, 2008 edition of The Des Moines Register featured an article titled Illinois Smoking Ban Benefits Clinton Casino. For more on the issue of smoking bans, read Institute Brief: A Smoking Ban in Iowa: By Government Force or Market Forces?
Mr. Paasch told the Register that he has called Gov. Chet Culver's office to complain. Is the Governor listening?
"I play the video games here and a little blackjack, and this is a real nice
facility. I just have a problem with people smoking. ... I have to go out
coughing. My eyes are burning," said Bob Paasch, a Clinton-area resident and former bar
Mr. Paasch told the Register that he has called Gov. Chet Culver's office to complain. Is the Governor listening?
Des Moines Register,
Limited Government,
smoking ban
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