Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA is a community of approximately 126,000 people and located approximately 30 minutes north of the University of Iowa. The community is located roughly four hours west of Chicago, Illinois. Cedar Rapids is roughly 4-5 hours drive from Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha and Minneapolis. A community that once boast, that we are the world's leader in exports per capita. A community rebuilding from a change in form of government and from the Flood of 2008!
30 December 2008
How much belt tightning will governments do in 2009?
27 December 2008
Interesting Twitter link today from Newsweek

Tweetree - Birds in a tree. [tweetree.com]
Can Pakistan cure it's internal cancer problem?
"We ourselves have accepted that we have a cancer...Yes, we will cure it. We
will solve this problem," - Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari
Can the "epicenter" of terrorism as India puts it be reduced in 2009?
This issue isn't just important to the United States and India, but will have an impact on global policy throughout the region and world in 2009 and beyond.
23 December 2008
What will the 111th Congress do or shouldn't do on Taxes?
'Tis the season, to discuss and forecast future Tax Policy? Merry Christmas to all!
18 December 2008
52% of Americans believe Obama will raise taxes on Small Business*
Bush Leaves Obama a Financial Crisis, but Doesn’t Want to per a US News & World Report opinion article today.
* Source of Headline: Campaign Falsehoods Linger On per another US News & World Report article.
Are we next here in the United States?
MarketWatch's recent airline news: US Airline Pilots Association Allows Safety Program to Lapse Citing Carrier's Mismanagement of Critical Immunity Provisions.
17 December 2008
Politics Gone Bad; Gas Prices rising and Concerns in schools
It doesn't appear that the Illinois governor will give up, without being forced out. Fox News reports a story on the State of Illinois' situation in the governor's office.
T. Boone Pickens comments on OPEC's plan to raise oil prices through reducing supply.
CNN reports on Children forced into cell-like school seclusion rooms, including a death in a school in Georgia.
12 December 2008
Flood of 2008: Impact on tourism funding; more aid for flood victims
10 December 2008
US wants to pursue Somali pirates
Interesting article on Roosevelt health records... Secrecy, so what's next?

America can be, where President-Elect Obama should lead this country. Where
should we start together?
A Live Chat Today with The Gazette on Local Sales Tax
Proposal by local councilman in The Gazette story by Rick Smith.
Eye on the Island - By Rick Smith The Gazette
Latest post: Prosser named Iowa’s ‘Manager of the Year,’ but he didn’t tell anybody
A commentary received in the mail from P.T.L...
Local Media Outlets are reporting that the City Manager in C.R. was namedIndian Creek Neighborhood Blogger,
Iowa Manager of the Year, but he didn't tell anyone.
While his humility is to be commended, we have a member of our C.R. City
Council proposing a 2 cents on the dollar Option Tax, without a Vote, which
isn't even legal in Iowa, yet...and hopes the State Legislature will allow,
under the Broad Category, to help Flood victims. This tax,is being
proposed for 10 years. Where's the Manager's Leadership hereto squelch
such rhetoric in its idea phase, and set the record straight on what's allowed
by the Code of Iowa?
Soon the City will divvy out shares of the Annual Hotel/Motel Tax for next
year? Will the focus of this Million Dollars Plus in Annual Revenue go
towards Flood Relief? With projected revenue shortfalls ahead, due to both the
Flood and the Economy, personnel cuts and Privatization of Publicly run entities
will definitely be on the table as options to improve our use of tax dollars to
fund City Government. What is our City Manager's Vision for improving
Government's Efficiency in a Post-Flood, Economic Downturn C.R.?
Good Government requires Good Vision, Timely implementation of Policies and
retooling and restaffing to meet the new and emerging priorities of the
day! Now that Jimmy has earned his Stripes by being lauded as being the
Best Manager in Iowa, will he live up to his pedigree and our expectations as he
steers us forward using Limited and Efficient Government to guide us through
this Post-Flood Era in the City of 5 Seasons?
Time will tell, as we continue to march towards 2020, with Perfect Vision
for our future, hoping and praying that it's implemented on a Broad Scale to
Protect and Serve our City's Future Viability and Competitive Drive against the Dubuque's,
Waterloo's, Ft. Dodge's and West Des Moines' in securing our share of the pie for our
friends, neighbors and fellow Cedar Rapidians! Is Jimmy on Board with this?
Our Economic future, or lack there of, DEPENDS on it!
Mister P.T.L.
Article on the Justin Shields proposal from KCRG-TV last week.
Rick Smith's recent blog post for the Cedar Rapids Gazette comments about the City of Cedar Rapids' city manager's award.
09 December 2008
Long-term Manufacturing plant in Cedar Rapids may be on the way out?
The story report:
"The company has locations all over the world and could close the Cedar Rapids plant by moving some of the work to other plants in North America."
Hopefully, the Cedar Rapids plant will not be impacted.
Legit Question? Should Chicago win the Olympic Bid?
Fond Ties Have Grown Between Chicago and Its Corruption Fighter -
The same year his office pursued corruption charges against associates of Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago, a Democrat like Mr. Blagojevich, ... New York Times
Highlights of the Blagojevich Corruption Charges - Wall Street Journal Blogs
Illinois has long legacy of public corruption - MSNBC
Now, the current governor of Illinois is under investigation and a previous one is already in prison.
Should Chicago be the 2016 host of the Olympic Games?
Rememeber when Cedar Rapids considered selling Twin Pines GC?
DesMoinesNews [DSM-Register] Parks board recommends new management for two golf courses: The Des Moines Parks discussions are in a story titled "Parks board recommends new management for two golf courses."
A good friend in Cedar Rapids has often pointed out that outside management may be a good direction for the City of Cedar Rapids to take in improving the operation and efficiency of the Cedar Rapids golf operations.
On the twitter wire by cidsports:

The Key to Economic Growth; President-elect wants your feedback
Have you provided feedback your feedback yet America?
Hey,President-elect Obama's Transition team is inviting Americans from every walk of life to share their stories, experiences, and ideas. Visit the following link to start:
05 December 2008
Could person with Cedar Rapids roots play role opening at the New York Fed?
The WSJ article mentions a person with roots from Cedar Rapids...
Better choices would include current Fed Governor Kevin Warsh, who was
early in identifying the problems at Fannie Mae and also warned about the credit
mania; John
Lipsky, a former Wall Streeter who is now chief economist at the
IMF; David Malpass, an economist who worked at the Reagan Treasury and long
predicted the credit bubble; or one of the non-New York regional Fed presidents,
such as Gary Stern of Minneapolis or Dallas's Richard Fisher, who had first-hand
experience with the dollar crisis of the 1970s and dissented from the policy
that created the 2007-2008 Bernanke oil and commodity
Whoever is picked will need to work closely with the
Obama Treasury but should also bring an independent point of view. At this
watershed moment for world financial markets, the New York Fed needs more than a
monetary technician. It needs a policy heavyweight with some guts.
If memory serves me correct, John Lipsky is the son of Abbott and Joan Lipsky of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. John's father, Abbott, passed away in May 2008.
We Remember: The Tragic Day in Omaha

We can not bring the victims back, but we can certainly remember them today and always.
04 December 2008
Troubles in the Automotive Industry aren't just an American problem
The 111th Congress from the State of Iowa
Braley, Bruce [D]
Loebsack, David [D]
Boswell, Leonard [D]
Latham, Thomas [R]
King, Steve [R]
Iowa Supreme Court: Plenty of interest coming on Tuesday
"I can't remember, and I've talked to several people who've been here
for quite awhile, this much interest in a case before the oral
arguments," - Iowa Supreme Court spokesman Steve Davis.
We need more taxes... Globally, Nationally and Locally, right?

"With President-elect Barack Obama counting the days until his presidency
begins, Democrats in Congress are beginning to think about how they will
the tax cuts implemented by the Bush administration."
Geary: Shoppers Debate Potential New Local Sales Tax. The article reports that some on the City Council want to create a two percent local sales tax. Some would like the State of Iowa to allow the City Council to introduce the city sales tax without a vote of the people. Current Iowa
State law requires a public vote.
Tonight: Clearing and cold - Low near -3...wind chills near -10. More
snow on
Saturday - 1 to 3 inches during the morning. What a December!
02 December 2008
How much will you be purchasing online for this Christmas buying season?
I know my daughter enjoys purchasing on the Internet and there is no question that more and more will jump on and purchase online now and in the future.
Should the Government bailout the Big 3 Automakers?
By the way, I picked up this story from a twitter.
Should Casinos be allowed to permit smoking in Iowa?
"I play the video games here and a little blackjack, and this is a real nice
facility. I just have a problem with people smoking. ... I have to go out
coughing. My eyes are burning," said Bob Paasch, a Clinton-area resident and former bar
Mr. Paasch told the Register that he has called Gov. Chet Culver's office to complain. Is the Governor listening?
27 November 2008
Happy Thanksgiving from cidsports

Thanksgiving 2008: Lazy guide to TV marathons - 9 hours ago
For the true TV-lover, Thanksgiving is the greatest day of the year. If you aren’t cooking -- and you aren’t part of one of those wacky families that ...Los Angeles Times - 2 related articles »
National Thanksgiving Turkey 'Going to Disneyland!' to Celebrate ... - MarketWatch - 425 related articles »
Thanksgiving events: Nov. 27, 2008 - San Jose Mercury News - 2 related articles »
Thanksgiving poll 2008 - Spo-Reflections - Nov 24, 2008
Thanksgiving 2008 - DIY Bride - 10 hours ago
Iconfactory Thanksgiving 2008 - 10 individual icons. (Free) - MacUpdate - Mac OS X - 15 hours ago
26 November 2008
Visiting my wife's family for Thanksgiving
From my family to yours... Happy Thanksgiving 2008.
Education Reform in Minnesota and Iowa
22 November 2008
Govenor Louisiana speaks and tours Cedar Rapids today
Tension between Congress and China reported by ABC News
Who do people put as write-in votes during the election?
Mr. Obama to choose Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State
Hopefully, we haven't seen the last of Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks
"The fact that my job ends as of Dec 31st - I had to resign from my practice
- I kept that a secret. I have some latitude now in what I do in the future
I would definitely not rule out running again. I was working full time
campaigning." - Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks
Miller-Meeks, an Ottumwa Republican and a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve who was candidate in Iowa's 2nd congressional district in November 2008.
Will Congress listen and avoid a Detroit Bailout?
Another story of note: Romney's Alternative Auto Rescue Plan - FOXNews
21 November 2008
What role should the Government play in the Economy?
State of Iowa Officials "seek voluntary spending reductions"
20 November 2008
KGAN CBS 2 Top Story: "Ripped Up, Ripped Off" aired tonight
The Flood of 2008 has created a lot of hardship for residents and businesses directly impacted by this natural disaster. We have all been impacted in one way or another.
During the story, various reports from the City were from 40 to 100 stop valves. However, according the KGAN story, a contractor for the City of Cedar Rapids was estimating it could be as high as 300 stop valves, roughly 20% of the total in the City.
The press release from the City of Cedar Rapids on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 reported the following:
"During these operations, crews used debris collection trucks with largeThe impact of the flood is still occurring as we work to recovery in various areas of the Cedar and Iowa River Valleys. The Gazette and the following from KGAN:
claws to scoop and skid loaders to scrape the debris from the City's
right-of-way areas. In some cases, this equipment caught the water pipe head at
ground level and broke the stop valves. City crews and contractors are repairing
those broken valves as they are reported. The average cost of repairing each
stop valve is $1000. So far, 60 stop valves have been found damaged. The City
will submit these repairs costs to FEMA for reimbursement. " - City of
Cedar Rapids
"There has been a major malfunction of the sewage treatment system. The cityAs a community, we need to be assured that our public institutions demonstrate stewardship in the business of providing public services. The City's mission statement is linked here. The word "City Government Mission, Vision, and Values" is listed, but I don't clearly see a define set of values listed.
is urging all customers in Palo to limit toilet flushing, laundry, and
dishwashing immediately. The city says this may last for 2 to 3 days." -
KGAN web site
What is the culture within City Government today? Today's stop valve story should raise some questions into our culture within our local government?
We are now stuck in this Mess... Let's Clean it up America

Welcome Back: National Write Your Congressman

In the past, I have been a member of the National Write Your Congressman. In honor of the Election of 2008, I have rejoined this organization. My biggest issue: Limited Government.
The full story, as the picture above mentions, is as follows:
Whether you are Blue, Green, Red or trying to determine your political view points, it is important you stay informed, communicate with your representatives and hold your representatives accountable for their votes. Be American: Participate and Vote!"This October marks 50 years of service for National Write Your Congressman
For half a century, freedom-loving Americans have turned to NWYC to help
them express their views on vital issues that our lawmakers face every day in
"As we continue to fulfill our mission “to encourage responsible
Americans to use their influence in government to preserve the freedoms set
forth by our Founding Fathers,” NWYC would like to thank you for joining us as
we work toward a better government."
"It is your opinions that matter to lawmakers; your vote that makes a
difference; and your voice that is heard above the roar of lobbyists and special
interest groups in Washington. We hope that NWYC can continue to help you
express your opinions to your members of Congress for many years to come." - National Write Your Congressman
What is the future of entitlements?
For more on the looming entitlement crisis read Institute Brief: Ryan's Roadmap.
Want to connect better and learn more about the issues impacting America? Visit... www.nwyc.com.
Is the City of Cedar Rapids performing the proper oversite?
The City of Cedar Rapids released a press release on Wednesday, November 18, 2008 titled "City Makes Repairs After Flood Debris Removal" discussing that "60 stop valves have been found damaged." But, is the proper prevention being taken to reduce further infrastructure damage?
When you dig on your property, what are you supposed to do? By State Law, you have the make a call... "Make One Call Before you Dig."
We have been told that KGAN -Channel 2 News at 10 pm tonight will have a story on this issue about community concerns over lack of over site and public expense.
19 November 2008
It's been over five months since the Flood of 2008

The Democrats in contol: Who will the GOP turn to for the future for Leadership?

“I think Michael Steele is a great, great talent. He certainly would offer the
kind of vivid, strong voice that we could use, and I think that the party would
do very well if he ends up being chairman.” - Newt Gingrich
18 November 2008
Today at Work... I visited with a gentlemen from Texas
Small business is made up of both Republicans, Democrats or those calling themselves something else. I would contend that most people are better off with a limited government. We need regulation and over site. However, it needs to be limited to the extent that private sector works better than government on most things.
But, our tax policy is day by day destroying the middle class and small business. Our society is fueled by consultants, tax accountants and lawyers, rather than a quality product or service today. The incentive today is to reduce your tax liability rather than focusing on that quality product or service.
We need to knock down partisanship and work together again. We have completed the elections of November 2008. Now, we need to come together and work on the public policy that fueled the rebirth of voter participation. There is a role for government at the Federal, State and Local level, but we need to get back to the roots of limited government.
The private sector needs to get back to providing a quality product and service. However, government is focused on Big this and Big that, while making our tax policy bigger and more burdensome. We sure have come a long way, since 1913.
Our tax policy is the problem. Government has grown too large at the Local, State and Federal levels. Look at the national debt today in Washington DC. Our financial crisis today is certainly rooted in our tax policy. As an employer, I actually pay the government before I pay my employee through income tax withholding and other tax deductions.
The Tuesday, November 18, 2008 edition of The Wall Street Journal features an article titled A new assertiveness on economy. For more on economic policy read Limits: A prescription for economic health.
17 November 2008
Should we get serious about Limited Government?
Could Iowa's Right to Work Laws be at jeopardy?
From this weekends’ Sioux City Journal - Democratic state lawmakers will likely mount another effort to revise the state’s labor laws during the upcoming session beginning in January, said Iowa Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal on Friday.
“I think it’s highly likely there will be something on that subject,” -
Majority Leader Mike Gronstal
Gronstal couldn’t say whether lawmakers would focus again on collective bargaining or on a proposal to require non-union members to pay for services they receive from unions, known as “fair share.”
Stay tuned.
14 November 2008
"Congress has an eye on the tax break for your retirement" per WSJ
Of local interest, unrelated the Final Storm, Cedar Rapids Washington (11-1) travels to Cedar Falls (11-1) tonight in the Class4A Semi-Final Playoff football game at the UNI-Dome.
11 November 2008
Do the people deserve a say or is it all in the hands of the Legislature and/or Courts?

November 11, 2008 - Happy Veterans Day

May you have a safe and enjoyable Veterans Day 2008. May we take this moment to honor our veterans and wish peace to all as we move forward in our daily walk.
10 November 2008
The Transition hits high gear this week...
Obama makes historic White House visit per Canada.com.
The Economist: China seeks stimulation too

The week ahead A global summit to discuss the economic and financial crisis, and other news Full article
A painful job to do As unemployment surges Barack Obama will have to take some awkward economic decisions Full article
Germany's feeble stimulus package A stimulus package in Germany amounts to mild fiscal loosening Full article
Who will the government look to bail out next? Colin Cowherd today was suggesting the media, since they employ people too. Newspapers are seeing rough times these days.
07 November 2008
Global Push to Beat Economoc Downturn
05 November 2008
The Day after the Election of 2008...

"The Founding Fathers were highly suspicious of unregulated majorities. Hence,
they deliberately created the Electoral College to constrain the will of the
majority and to ensure that the votes of those in less populous States were
heeded." - Paul M. Weyrich
04 November 2008
The future 44th President of the United States of America...
Barack Obama and the Democrats defeat George W Bush

Iowa Polls are Open until 9 PM; Some States are closing at 6 PM Iowa Time

Polls in the State of Iowa are open until 9 pm.
Six States are closing at 6 pm or 6:30 pm Iowa time. A big stake for the presidential candidates on the line as the polls close there.
I had the opportunity to vote earlier today... lucky #608 at my polling place.
Some articles I plan to read...
Four Election Day Scenarios - Carl Cannon, Reader's Digest
McCain the Choice for Freedom, Prosperity - Deroy Murdock, Union Leader
A Dark Secret: I Still Like President Bush - Andrew Breitbart, Wash Times
We hope you got your vote in... if in Iowa, you still have time!
Election Day - November 4, 2008: Don't forget to Vote

03 November 2008
What will Politics look like in the future?

Last Day of Campaigning for the Presidential Election

FROM: Dr. Plagman, Washington High School Principal
RE: Update on Man in Trench Coat
We wanted to update you on a safety issue at Washington High School. Late last spring, a male in his mid-twenties began appearing in Washington school neighborhood and on campus. He has recently been seen wearing a black trench coat and with white paint on his face. Since the first sightings, we have maintained regular communication with the Cedar Rapids Police Department.
We advised the man that he would be charged with criminal trespass if he was found on school property, and students were asked to contact a staff member immediately if they saw him on campus. On Wednesday, October 28, this individual was found on the sidewalk at the south end of the high school campus. The police were summoned and he was subsequently arrested and charged with criminal trespass, interference with official acts, and simple assault (for threatening a Washington security officer). Several students witnessed the arrest.
As a precaution, we have extended security duty hours so that all three security officers will be on campus the entire day. They will be posted in locations where they will be able to see possible intruders on our campus. This will remain in effect until further notice.
It is important to note that the subject described has not harmed or threatened any student. However, safety is always our main priority. Please call or e-mail me if you have any questions or comments.
News at one of our public high schools in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa community. On a good note, Cedar Rapids Washington (9-1) travels to Dubuque to face Hempstead (6-4) in the first round of the Class 4A Iowa State High School Football Playoffs.
02 November 2008
The Gazette endorses John McCain for November 4th

Why did The Gazette endorse John McCain for President?
‘It’s the economy, stupid” taking from the political phase from 1992 campaign of President Bill Clinton.
"The United States and the world are on the brink of a major economic
recession. Our nation also is troubled by unending war against terrorism,
immigration laws in desperate need of reform and spiraling health care
costs." - The Gazette
However, at the top of "the mountain" is the Economy.
"Comparing the two major presidential candidates, Sen. John McCain’s
approach is best aligned to spur economic recovery. This is the overriding
reason The Gazette Editorial Board endorses the Republican Arizona senator over
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill." - The Gazette
Neither candidate is an expert on economics. However, The Gazette says the following on McCain...
"McCain, like Obama, is no expert in economics. But his proposals to retain
most of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts make sense for businesses that are struggling
to survive and Americans who need jobs. McCain also wants to cut the corporate
tax rate to help U.S. businesses compete in the increasingly global marketplace.
His estate tax revisions would help family businesses avoid being swallowed by
corporate giants."
"Growing business here means more jobs for more Americans. That is the
single-best way to get our economy back on track."
John McCain was right on S. 190 [109th]: Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005 (GovTrack.us). As the following tracking blog mentions of McCain's call for more oversight of Freddie and Fannie. It is important to have checks and balances in our governement.But, the Democrats controlled by Congress were against more oversight.
"Certainly, business leaders who take irresponsible or illegal
should be held accountable through fair, effective government
instead of expecting taxpayer-backed bailouts." - The
The support for John McCain on the Economy is due to Tax Policy of the
two candidates. The Gazette wrote...
That said, higher taxes won’t fix our shameful national debt of $10
trillion. The marketplace must not be shackled. It must prosper responsibly,
which in the long run will increase tax revenue faster than slapping a higher
tax rate on all but the very smallest businesses, as Obama has proposed.
“Spread opportunity,” McCain has said. He’s right.
Support for John McCain by The Gazette goes beyond his economic policies...
"His 20 years of military service, including heroism as a prisoner of war and
a quarter-century serving in Congress provide perspective that Obama cannot
The Gazette went on to discuss the following strengths for John McCain.
- Understanding of international issues and how to learn from mistakes and balance our interests with the world’s.
- McCain’s record demonstrates he will cross his own party, even the president...
- His energy plan is pragmatic and forward-looking...
The Gazette did reflect on "compelling reasons to consider Obama for president."
"His intellect, oratory and ability to inspire people from various walks of
life are extraordinary. He has re-engaged much of the younger generation into
politics. His message of healing our nation’s divisions resonates. He has our
Like with any endorsement, The Gazette does have a reservation on McCain. For John McCain, it is his selection of Sarah Palin. The Gazette talked about reservations of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, as well.
"But Obama has offered no clear plan to deal with our country’s staggering
debt. His tax plan could stifle the economic rebound we desperately need. His
lack of experience with international issues is troubling. And running mate Sen.
Joe Biden’s frequent gaffes don’t inspire confidence." The Gazette
On Saturday Night Live last night, John McCain suggested that Barack Obama certainly has a future ahead of him. Mr. Obama is 47 years old. Hopefully, the public will take a pause before Election Day, and really question the timing of a selection of Mr. Obama at this time. As the Gazette closed it's endorsement of John McCain...
"Critics of McCain say he’s “lost his way,” and he’s not the candidate he
was in 2000.""We believe the real McCain is alive and well. The McCain who is a proven
defender of his country. The McCain who knows how to reach across the political
aisle and international borders to find common ground. The McCain whose
rock-solid commitment to this country can reinvigorate our economy, maintain our
security and revive the world’s respect for America and how we play our critical
leadership role."
While I was writing this blog post, I was watching the local program Ethical Prospectives on KCRG-TV, the ABC affiliate here in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The program is a community affairs program drawing from people within the community.
The program focused on Economics and the Role of Government during difficult times. One highlight from the program was the fact that government typically doesn't reduce its size in good economic times. Typically, once a government program is created... it isn't sunset or eliminated. This is quite alarming, due to the overall size of government today. Further, the impact of international investment in our debt.
Don't forget to vote on Election Day - November 4, 2008!
01 November 2008
Can John McCain close the Election out on November 4th?

"History tells us that either McCain or Obama could possibly make a good
president. But this campaign, uniquely, has given us no basis for knowing
whether this is likely. Electorates have always been concerned about character
in political leaders, but the traditional proofs of character - steady
commitment, solid achievement - have given way to the fraudulent tinsel of
"This is American politics as American Idol. And that's a giant step
backwards." - The Australian
Comments of LeftyLarry on the Rivals Network from the Wisconsin Open Board...
Wisconsin LeftyLarry had the following Off Topic to say about Mr. Obama...
"Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago? Body count:
In the last six
months: 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago; 221 killed in
Chicago.... Who Runs it:
Senators: Barack Obama & Dick Durbin
Rep: Jesse Jackson Jr.
Illinois Gov: Rod Blogojevich
Illinois House
leader Mike Madigan
Illinois Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)
Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley (son of Mayor Richard J. Daley) .....our
leadership in Illinois.....all Democrats.
Thank you for the combat
zone in Chicago.
Of course, they're all blaming each other!
blame Republicans; they're aren't any!
State pension fund $44 Billion in
debt, worst in country.
Cook County (Chicago) sales tax 10.25% highest in
(Look 'em up if you want)
Chicago school system rated one of
the worst in the country.
This is the political culture that Obama comes
from in Illinois. And he's
gonna 'fix' Washington politics for us?
Wake Up America!"
Don't forget to Vote on Election Day... In Iowa!
Mr. Obama: Man of the World?
In foreign policy as well, Mr. Obama would bring to the White House an importantBut, experience is very important, especially in these times were are in.
experience that most other candidates lack: he has actually lived abroad. He
spent four years as a child in Indonesia and attended schools in the Indonesian
language, which he still speaks... (while)... So, granted, Mr. Obama lacks the extensive experience at top levels of diplomacy...
So, what are we really getting with Mr. Obama? Redistribution of Wealth Makes Us All Poor and there is clearly concerns over that side of Mr. Obama. Further, idealism that was a challenge during the Carter Presidency and it appears to be on the horizon with Mr. Obama?
Here's some commentary about idealism, in regards to Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain. The writer is critical of both candidates. Later, in another article, he picks up on the lie or illusion of the front runner.
Couple the fact, the media wants Mr. Obama, the prevention of asking too many questions receives a major boost for the front runner.His speech (Mr. Obama's acceptance speech of his party's nomination) last night was
brilliant and perfect. It is too bad that the whole thing was a lie, which
depended on the smoothness and apparent sincerity of Senator Obama's delivery to
lull the listener into a state of credulity and prevent him from asking too many
Later, the role of the media in wanting Mr. Obama and going after Mr. McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as Vice President. The writer defines the selection of Palin:
Her appeal is non-ideological: it is the fact that she represents the outlook ofThe problems on Main Street vs. the problems on Wall Street. Again, "regular people" vs. what can be called Ivy League "elites"... who are a byproduct of ethics being removed in the classroom in the 1970s-80s-90s, as compared to local colleges, like Mt. Mercy College in Cedar Rapids.
the "regular people" as opposed to the "elites."
Over the past 20 years of Bush-Clinton-Bush, we have seen an elevation in class warfare. Both political parties have expanded public policy favoring the expansion of large corporations and new "iffy" non-profits. Small business in middle America and elsewhere have paid the price.
Now, looking ahead to November 4th, we may witness the President's office and both houses of Congress in the control of one party. We look ahead to a possible president who may lead our country to the following...
It has not been derived from equalizing wealth through progressive taxes (a
socialist economy). When anyone of the three pillars of wealth is
confiscated, producers lose the incentive to produce more. Those who receive
unearned, redistributed benefits have no incentive to produce at all. When
the incentive to produce is lost, we all become less wealthy.
A good recommendation on who our next president should be. Read the following editorial on the Presidential Campaign of 2008...
As inspiring as Mr. Obama's history-making presidential bid has been, it is
risky to take a chance on an untried leader at this point in our history.
We need to bring about bipartisanship back to all levels of government. Once a Democrat or Republican is elected, they need to put the Country First. John McCain can help lead by example in bringing back a focus on reducing Washington spending habits.
They need to put what is in the best interest of the people, not the party. We have lost that in Washington DC and we have lost that in Des Moines. We need to encourage groups like this, but more importantly, we need get Congress and State Houses working together again for the best interests of our States, while remembering a limited government is often the best solution.
31 October 2008
News Briefs for 10/31/2008: Halloween can be scary for other reasons...

The Wall Street Journal reports bad news on Consumer Spending today.
Further, the Public Policy Institutes's 2008 Second Quarter: Iowa Economic Scorecard.
Vote on November 4th... in Iowa!
100% Pure Political Mud!

Sadly, we are seeing plenty of political mud this Election season.
It is very disappointing.
We, the people of Cedar Rapids, Iowa and the United States, clearly need to find a way to take back our political system and culture.
We need to do what is right. We need to find ways to make our public policy discussions civil, again.
Maybe the following would help in are discussions forward...
And so, "The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do" is suggested:
- Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all Concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Most importantly, Vote on Election Day.
30 October 2008
Is Iowa staying Red or returing to Blue in 2008?

Energy and National Security... our next President will have to prioritize
But, more importantly, a recent brief spoke to the question: How shall we power our World? I found it an interesting read.
A View from the other side of the Pond
The Times Recommends regarding US Politics...
Obama aunt found in rundown estate
'Mom-in-chief' Mrs Obama changes her image
Sad news out of Afghanistan...
Lieutenant-Colonel Malalai Kakar
Afghanistan’s highest-ranking woman police officer who was praised for her toughness but was murdered by the Taliban.
28 October 2008
Does this quote from Thomas Jefferson define the differences between Obama and McCain better than any other?
I think brother87 is right!
Don't forget to vote on November 4, 2008.
25 October 2008
Vote for the Best person... always is a good motto!
Originally posted by jbincr:
Good for you, Marion. Independent is the way to go. Choose the best candidate regardless of party. Straight-ticket voters are worse than people who vote on a whim.
Your Headline needs to be changed to make your comments "choose the best candidate regardless of party" to hold true.
I am frustrated with both parties. Neither are doing a good job of protecting and promoting a Limited Government. I'm frustrated with the growth of the non-profit sector (look at salaries at MAHP in Cedar Rapids, for example) and the Fortune 500, which has been the push of both powers the past 20 years.
However, Clinton - Republican Controlled Congress is much different than Obama-Democrat Controlled Congress that many on this board are proposing.
Clinton lost the Democrat House at the mid-term election. Hillary's national health care message was wrong for America.
The Republicans in the House during the Bush years have a lot explaining as well, with the expansion of the Federal budget.
We need both parties in many ways to implode. The original two parties weren't Republican nor Democrats. Both have some serious house cleaning to do.
It's too bad that S. 190 in the 109th Congress didn't include constraints and further over site on Freddie or Fannie, but the Democrats didn't see the need. The Republican I liked before John McCain was Governor Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin, but he was 4 years too late. His ideas are stronger than any one's I have seen to date. I preferred Ms. Clinton over Mr. Obama, though I am sick of the Bush-Clinton era, the past 20 years.
The direction many Democrats in power are going appears wrong and may be dangerous to small business and the America way. The Republicans have their own train wreck to repair, in many respects.
I had a visit with a European customer this week... his biggest negative in the USA was the tie between Corporations and our government. Plainly, Europeans don't want America to be like them, they want America to clean up their act.
I'm all for the best person, but in many ways, going back to Jepsen-Harkin... we vote against the person in Iowa and nationally, not for the person. I see one clear race this year that I am voting for the person.
Dr. Miller-Meeks - a Republican that deserves a strong look - my vote!
Mr. McCain - better than expansion of Federal government under Obama... Further, he will be likely be a one term president and if successful, will bring a coalition government in for the 4 years in office. Unlike Mr. Bush - who didn't bring that bi-partisanship from Austin to Washington DC. Maybe it was 9/11, but on January 20, 2009... it's over!
Sen. Rob Hogg (D) - Senate Democrat - Let's talk light rail - it would be nice to see the Corridor linked, but in a rural region - do we have the population?
Rep. Tyler Olson (D) - House Democrat - Let's talk fiscal responsibility in the State of Iowa
A balance of power is highly recommended in these times.
Sen. Grassley and Sen. Harkin - wow, does any other State in the Union reflect balance?
On the mortgage crisis, where are the Democrats that deserve to be thrown on the carpet with others? What about Rep. Franks' role in the mess?
Thank God I'm an American! Let's clean 435 out of the House! I'll start with my vote for Dr. Miller-Meeks in our US House Representatives!
Will the Transaction Priviledge Tax go national under Mr. Obama?
Will the Transaction Privilege Tax be the future for business climate under a Napolitano influenced Obama Presidency?
Like many states, State of Arizona spending exceeds revenues and the deficits may be on the rise, rather on the decline. In our own State of Iowa, Iowa faces more than a $500 million hole in the budget that Governor Chet Culver and the Democrat majority will have to overcome.
What is the future tax climate in the USA? There may be reasons why the United States Chamber of Commerce is concerned about the prospects of more power in the hands of the Democrats.
Business climate with transaction privilege taxes and an attack against small business appears to be on the rise. Further, in the State of Iowa you have Fair Share legislation, which will reduce Iowa's Right to Work laws. On a national level, the Employee Free Choice Act will expand efforts to grow unions in the USA.
An Obama Presidency doesn't appear to be pro-Small Business as Obama preaches. Of course, the expansion of government at all levels certainly isn't a formula for expansion of Small Business in the United States. We need Limited Government at all levels... smart government, not expansion of government.
What impact will the expansion of government under Obama and the Democrats have on the vitality of the private sector?