- Privatizing parking in C.R. no simple matter - The Gazette
- Payments to renters complicated for Cedar Rapids - The Gazette
Closing streets for the benefit of a private entity is very unusual, though it has been done once already for PCI, with the closing of Seven Street SE between Eighth and Seventh Avenue nearly twenty years ago. PCI has been awarded the 1000-1200 blocks of Second Avenue SE for their medical mall development.
Other local government news for Cedar Rapids:
- Local-option revenue could help buy land for key projects - The Gazette
- Corps endorses flood-protection for east side - The Gazette
- First major wave of flood demolitions nearly finished - The Gazette
- Area flooded in 2008 targeted for new Cedar Rapids housing - The Gazette
Unemployment rate, Linn County, IA - Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
6.3% of the labor force - Not seasonally adjusted - Sep 2010