Why did The
Gazette endorse John McCain for President?
‘It’s the economy, stupid” taking from the political phase from 1992 campaign of President Bill Clinton.
"The United States and the world are on the brink of a major economic
recession. Our nation also is troubled by unending war against terrorism,
immigration laws in desperate need of reform and spiraling health care
costs." - The Gazette
However, at the top of "the mountain" is the Economy.
"Comparing the two major presidential candidates, Sen. John McCain’s
approach is best aligned to spur economic recovery. This is the overriding
reason The Gazette Editorial Board endorses the Republican Arizona senator over
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill." - The Gazette
Neither candidate is an expert on economics. However, The Gazette says the following on McCain...
"McCain, like Obama, is no expert in economics. But his proposals to retain
most of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts make sense for businesses that are struggling
to survive and Americans who need jobs. McCain also wants to cut the corporate
tax rate to help U.S. businesses compete in the increasingly global marketplace.
His estate tax revisions would help family businesses avoid being swallowed by
corporate giants."
"Growing business here means more jobs for more Americans. That is the
single-best way to get our economy back on track."
John McCain was right on S. 190 [109th]: Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005 (GovTrack.us).
As the following tracking blog mentions of McCain's call for more oversight of Freddie and Fannie. It is important to have checks and balances in our governement.But, the Democrats controlled by Congress were against more oversight.
"Certainly, business leaders who take irresponsible or illegal
should be held accountable through fair, effective government
instead of expecting taxpayer-backed bailouts." - The
The support for John McCain on the Economy is due to Tax Policy of the
two candidates. The Gazette wrote...
That said, higher taxes won’t fix our shameful national debt of $10
trillion. The marketplace must not be shackled. It must prosper responsibly,
which in the long run will increase tax revenue faster than slapping a higher
tax rate on all but the very smallest businesses, as Obama has proposed.
“Spread opportunity,” McCain has said. He’s right.
Support for John McCain by The Gazette goes beyond his economic policies...
"His 20 years of military service, including heroism as a prisoner of war and
a quarter-century serving in Congress provide perspective that Obama cannot
The Gazette went on to discuss the following strengths for John McCain.
- Understanding of international issues and how to learn from mistakes and balance our interests with the world’s.
- McCain’s record demonstrates he will cross his own party, even the president...
- His energy plan is pragmatic and forward-looking...
The Gazette did reflect on "compelling reasons to consider Obama for president."
"His intellect, oratory and ability to inspire people from various walks of
life are extraordinary. He has re-engaged much of the younger generation into
politics. His message of healing our nation’s divisions resonates. He has our
Like with any endorsement, The Gazette does have a reservation on McCain. For John McCain, it is his selection of Sarah Palin. The Gazette talked about reservations of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, as well.
"But Obama has offered no clear plan to deal with our country’s staggering
debt. His tax plan could stifle the economic rebound we desperately need. His
lack of experience with international issues is troubling. And running mate Sen.
Joe Biden’s frequent gaffes don’t inspire confidence." The Gazette
On Saturday Night Live last night, John McCain suggested that Barack Obama certainly has a future ahead of him. Mr. Obama is 47 years old. Hopefully, the public will take a pause before Election Day, and really question the timing of a selection of Mr. Obama at this time. As the Gazette closed it's endorsement of John McCain...
"Critics of McCain say he’s “lost his way,” and he’s not the candidate he
was in 2000."
"We believe the real McCain is alive and well. The McCain who is a proven
defender of his country. The McCain who knows how to reach across the political
aisle and international borders to find common ground. The McCain whose
rock-solid commitment to this country can reinvigorate our economy, maintain our
security and revive the world’s respect for America and how we play our critical
leadership role."
While I was writing this blog post, I was watching the local program Ethical Prospectives on KCRG-TV, the ABC affiliate here in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The program is a community affairs program drawing from people within the community.
The program focused on Economics and the Role of Government during difficult times. One highlight from the program was the fact that government typically doesn't reduce its size in good economic times. Typically, once a government program is created... it isn't sunset or eliminated. This is quite alarming, due to the overall size of government today. Further, the impact of international investment in our debt.
Don't forget to vote on Election Day - November 4, 2008!