Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA is a community of approximately 126,000 people and located approximately 30 minutes north of the University of Iowa. The community is located roughly four hours west of Chicago, Illinois. Cedar Rapids is roughly 4-5 hours drive from Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha and Minneapolis. A community that once boast, that we are the world's leader in exports per capita. A community rebuilding from a change in form of government and from the Flood of 2008!
30 September 2008
The Message may mean well, but things still don't work in Linn County
DUE TO FLOODING: The Linn County Treasurer's Office has been relocated to the Westdale Mall. Property tax statements will be mailed by the end of September and will become delinquent the end of October. When the exact date of delinquency is known, we will post it on this site and through various media outlets.
But, I cannot pay online yet... and, those heading to the Treasurer's Office are sent away. Let's hope the mainframe software problem is fixed this week.
Freedom of Information Act: City of Cedar Rapids
It will be interesting to see how this story plays out. An Iowa City newspaper used a similar approach to get information from the University of Iowa during the resent high profile sexual assault case involving Iowa Football athletes with another female athlete.
Iowa Open Meetings Act and the Freedom of Information Act are two very important public policy issues locally and through out the State of Iowa.
25 September 2008
Democrat Candidate for Iowa State House withdrawals
What role do Citizen Advisory Commissions play in Flood Mitigation Plans?
Citizens have been talking about eliminating the trains, since the 196os. But, the real challenge is rebuilding and re planning the river front and the areas of Cedar Rapids impacted by the Flood of 2008.
What role do zoning and planning commissions play in the rebuild Cedar Rapids efforts? Will the citizens of Cedar Rapids play a key role in the rebuilding process. Open houses certainly provide a role for citizen feedback, but with citizen commissions be a part of the redevelopment process.
Yesterday, 35 city officials, consultants, federal agency representatives and a City Council met to discuss flood protection and property buyouts. It will be a slow process. As mentioned, clarity may be a slow byproduct as well.
It will be interesting to see what the City Council does in using Citizen Advisory Boards and Commissions in the flood mitigation and rebuild process. Citizens are a key component in the zoning and planning process over the years.
Where will the Flood of 2008 take our public policy discussions? The role of the consultant has certainly expanded in Cedar Rapids pre-flood. What role will citizen boards and commissions play in the flood mitigation plans?
23 September 2008
The Gazette headline: "High waters force higher taxes"
We should be surprised, but it is a tall order, with the already over reliance on Property Taxes in the State of Iowa. The water faucet appears to be on at times at City Hall, before, during and after the Flood of 2008.
I guess that should be City Hall North, since the Flood of 2008.
Is the City Council and our City Manager... moving the City operations into a post-flood budget? Are we working to avoid encouraging businesses and people to move out, due to high property taxes? The impact on most, since most people are on fixed income, will be high.
A Limited Government is important. The burden of government is continuing to rise. The Flood of 2008 will only put more pressures on businesses and citizens.
21 September 2008
We have a Finanacial Crisis, not an Economic Crisis for now
The fundamentals of the economy are strong. But, we clearly have a financial crisis.
We are clearly in difficult times.
But, economically, we do have positive indicators in the economy...
- Worker productivity
- Trade balance is moving favorably the right direction
- Unemployment
However, if we don't resolve the financial crisis properly, we will impact negatively our economy.
The Subprime mortgage financial crisis is a serious problem. We are in difficult times and the government is making important moves to protect our financial system.
Business ethics is alarming.
Lobbying and ethics in government continue to be out of control.
Our tax system has created a burden and has moved the Fortune 500 companies is the wrong direction.
Increasing in the size of the Federal Government is the wrong direction for this country to take. But, are we going to move towards socialism in the near future? The upcoming presidential election certainly is in play for our country to do so.
We need to wake up America. Who we elect at all levels of government do directly impact our lives. Look locally, the concerns we are facing right now. The impact is due to our own votes and those we have representing us today.
We voted to change our Form of Government in Cedar Rapids. We voted to elect the leadership we have at the local and state level. We elect our representatives who go to Washington DC to represent us. We do it at all levels, from school boards to legislative bodies.
The future of our governance is in our hands every two, four and six years. If there is a time in our history, when it is vital for the public to get to the polls, it is 2008.
A Limited Government is vital to the success of our democracy. Get informed and vote...
KCRG-TV Programming: Ethical Perspectives
17 September 2008
McCain & Palin to be in Cedar Rapids for Thursday Rally
Held at:
PS Air Hangar
The Eastern Iowa Airport
3411 Wright Brothers Blvd SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
It's nice to see the Republican ticket is making a stop here in Cedar Rapids to greet supporters and introduce themselves.
14 September 2008
Back from Las Vegas and the Hawkeye Game
Iowa beats Iowa State 17-5 at Kinnick on Saturday to take the Cy-Hawk Trophy in football for 2008.
The real races will soon begin. Nationally, statewide, locally and of course in-conference on the football field.
On Iowa!
02 September 2008
Rebuild Iowa Commission Releases Report Today
"Service Above Self" - words mentioned tonight

It's the Republicans turn for their national convention in St. Paul, Minnesota.
John McCain - Country First motto!
President George W Bush commented about "Service Above Self" a motto used by Rotarian's when he was describing Senator John McCain, the Republican presumptive candidate.
The RNC paid tribute to Ronald Reagan today. The Midwestern sportscaster, who used to cover the Iowa Hawkeyes, who moved onto Hollywood and then, into politics.
A simple platform... lower taxes, less regulation and "getting government off our backs..."
John McCain... a man influenced by two conservatives...
- Barry Goldwater and
- Ronald Reagan
Will America seek another conservative in 2008? We will find out on November 4, 2008... when we vote for our next President!