Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA is a community of approximately 126,000 people and located approximately 30 minutes north of the University of Iowa. The community is located roughly four hours west of Chicago, Illinois. Cedar Rapids is roughly 4-5 hours drive from Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha and Minneapolis. A community that once boast, that we are the world's leader in exports per capita. A community rebuilding from a change in form of government and from the Flood of 2008!
29 August 2008
Not enough experience for Vice President?
One clear message she brings to the ticket on the Republican side... she is a person outside the Washington Beltway and a Reformer, which clearly makes John McCain's selection interesting.
Discussing the Vice Presidential candidates without talking about the Ticket as a whole, seems a little silly, especially, when you consider the experience of a forty-fourth Vice President of the United States of America.
One, a Vice President is an Advisor to the President
Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin for GOP's John McCain's Running Mate

Republican Presidential candidate John McCain selects Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate.
Welcome to the national stage Mrs. Palin.
We look forward to learning more about you and how a McCain-Palin ticket can help move the United States of America forward in public policy globally.
From one forty-four year old to another, it will be interesting to discuss various issues, including the following:
- Energy Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Government Reform
- States Rights
- The Economy
I always prefer a Governor for the office of the president, so when names were thrown out as candidates for both president and vice president this year. Mrs. Palin's got my attention as a candidate for vice president. We certainly have had Vice Presidents before in my lifetime with less of a resume.
A women, a reformer in her state, a mother of a son who serves her nation in our armed forces and a person with executive experience as a Governor; it will be interesting to learn more about John McCain's choice as his running mate.
26 August 2008
It's Time for a women to represent us in Iowa!

Jim Leach represented Iowa and our district for 30 years.
Now, it is time to elect a new person to represent us in Washington DC. We should send 2nd District Rep. Dave Loebsack back to his classroom, following Mr. Leach back into the academic world.
It would be nice to have a qualified person to represent our district in Washington DC. I suggest we all take a closer look at Dr. Miller-Meeks as our next 2nd District Representative to U.S. Congress.
Jump to an issue:
Realign Health Care
Reform Social Security
Revitalize GI Bill
Reconstruct Tax Code
Security, Energy, Environment, Economy
Denver's DNC Convention: What could have been...

Tonight, we will see Hillary Rodham Clinton speak at the Democrat National Convention. Tomorrow, we will see Joe Biden become the Vice President of the 2008 Presidential Race for the Democrat party.
What could have been...
Eighteen million strong supported Mrs. Clinton. Now, we will likely see Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden moving forward with the Obama agenda for the 2008 Presidential Race.
Let the race begin... we are heading into Labor Day and the Fall Presidential Campaign. Game on!
23 August 2008
Iowa needs to eliminate it's over reliance on Property Taxes

Mr. Obama picks Deleware Senator Joe Biden for VP

Barack Obama won the Iowa Caucuses, despite Biden and fellow Senator Chris Dodd having the upper hand on experience in Washington DC. But, Mr. Obama overcame Senator Hillary Clinton, Biden, Dodd and all others.
Personally, on the basis of experience, it would appear the ticket is mixed up, it should be Biden-Obama. I would say 18 million Democrats feel it should have been Clinton-Obama, as well. So, it will be two senators on the Democrat ticket in 2008.
Next Up - The Democrat National Convention in Denver, Colorado, beginning Monday. Stay tuned!
22 August 2008
The New Face for the push of Impact Fees for the State of Iowa?
We saw the topic of Impact Fees for the State of Iowa crop up in Des Moines earlier this year from a messenger from the City of Cedar Rapids back during the 2008 Legislature Session.
How much will lobbying impact advisory boards suggestions for solutions on the impact of the Floods of 2008?
Andy Peterson's blog at WMT600 commented about Jim Prosser's position on impact fees:
Another new fee on the landscape in 2008 is the Basic Fire Inspection and Life Safety Report fee implemented by the City Manager for Cedar Rapids. As the Code Enforcement Division - Fire Inspections points out in the letter to business owners: "No invoice will be sent regarding this $20.00 fee. Please pay using the top portion of the inspection sheet that the Fire Crews leave with you."
Earlier in the letter, the following explanation was given: "The fee is designed to give the department a minimal off-set to the time and expense put forth by fire crews and apparatus." But, don't forget, the fire crews have been providing this function for years as a part of fire crews normal time and if a "call" arises during the inspection, they immediately stop the inspection and get back to the primary function of the Fire Department. So, what do commercial and industrial property taxes to the City of Cedar Rapids pay for?
So, will the Flood of 2008 open the door for new discussions for the justification of Impact Fees during a special session in the Fall of 2008?
"Do we have needs? Yes," Prosser said. "Do we have a clear path to get thatIt's up to Governor Chet Culver and the Democrat controlled Iowa Legislature to decide, whether there will be a special session, but all signs point to one. All signs point to the push for Impact Fees, as well.
money? No." "Casey Drew, the city's financial director, said the city also would
seek the ability from the Iowa Legislature to raise money in other ways in
addition to property taxes."
Look at the current impact gas prices have had on the gas tax receipts. Further, they are a hidden tax that can have a very negative impact on economic development and the ability for a rural state, like Iowa, to compete with other markets around the country.
One of the many consultants that the City of Cedar Rapids uses had this to say...
Levy encouraged the council to continue to hunt for "every alternative" sourceOne issue I would love to see the State of Iowa take up very soon is the issue of comprehensive tax reform. Iowa's over reliance on property taxes needs to be reformed, since we have had plenty of study. Adding impact fees, without a comprehensive tax reform could have a negative impact on Cedar Rapids and our State.
of revenue to cover the city's upcoming cash-flow needs, per The Gazette story.
A local option sales tax can be taken to the voters to aid with the infrastructure issues impacting the City of Cedar Rapids. The City of Cedar Rapids presently has no local sales tax.
21 August 2008
Barack Obama: Take off the white shirt...

Catching the images on the TV, I noticed Mr. Obama in a white shirt and sneezing. As the hottest media figure in the USA right now, I think we need to remind him that he needs to be a better role model.
Mr. Obama, please don't forget to sneeze properly. Drop the white shirt and remember to avoid sneezing improperly, which it clearly appeared he was doing...
"Most people put their hands in front of their mouths and noses to stop germs
from getting into the air. Unfortunately, this technique puts the germs on their
As we all know, candidates are known to be a strong users of the hand sake, so for the sake of your supporters... don't forget to sneeze properly, Mr. Obama. Wearing a darker shirt may be a smart move, when trying to battle a head cold.
18 August 2008
Interesting Service from Google.

Was going on Internet Explorer today and I noticed a link for Google Reader. Listed underneath the Google search panel.
New! Read what Barack Obama and John McCain are reading with Google
The Link headline "Explore news sites read by McCain, Obama and political
journalists.""See articles the campaigns and political pundits are sharing
with Google Reader this election season."Interesting story on Mr. Obama. Amanda Carpenter: Obama Calls Pro-Lifers Liars via TownHall Latest columns on
8/18/2008.The power of the Internet. Wow, do I need a local paper delivered to my home anymore?
14 August 2008
Two Months Ago: Flood of 2008
Two months have now past from The Flood of 2008 that hit the City of Cedar Rapids. June 12th will have a new meaning on top of its old ones for me in the future.
Many of us in our community were lucky. Our houses, our businesses were not directly impacted. But, the impact has certainly reached everyone in one way or another.
The Public Policy has been slow moving.
The Downtown is working to recover. Permits are being pulled. But, our community just isn't quite the same as it was at the beginning of the year or prior to the flood.
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in our community. It will be a long road to recovery, but the opportunity to make our community stronger and better is certainly on the horizon.
We have lost a lot of property and memories. Thankfully, property was lost and not people. We were all very lucky for that.
13 August 2008
China fakes portions of opening cermonies

We welcome China into the world stage, but something isn't quite right...
- First, the sixteen year old gymnasts for China appear to be twelve, rather than the required age of 16 ...
- Now, we learn that some of the opening ceremonies were faked for various reasons ...
It will be interesting to see how public policy is shaped in the future with the role China plays in our world community.
12 August 2008
Mr. Irrelevant endorses Mr. Obama for President

How relevant is an endorsement from a former congressman for a person running for President?
Once a person steps away from political office is there much relevancy in their political preference? Of course, in Mr. Leach's case he was voted out of office.
Former congressman Jim Leach (R-IA) has endorsed Mr. Barack Obama for President. It appears the Iraq war has garnered an endorsement from Mr. Leach for Mr. Obama.
Mr. Leach was well known for his legislative work on bank and finance during his 30 years of public service in Washington as a Iowa congressman. While his personal foreign policy interests appear to be fueling Mr. Leach's endorsement for Mr. Obama. It is interesting to question how relevant will Mr. Leach's endorsement be in Eastern Iowa?
How much does Mr. Leach want the US to resemble Europe in the future?
I supported Mr. Leach on many issues in the past. Though, I don't agree with his suggestion in the past that the USA should eliminate the use of the Electoral College. Of course, the last person I visited from Massachusetts on the issue strongly was in the Leach camp.
I visited with one long-time Leach supporter today. I was interested in his thoughts on Mr. Leach's endorsement, since I knew of his strong friendship over the years heading to Washington DC to visit Iowa's delegation, including Mr. Leach. He mentioned disappointment. He mentioned that Leach's strong bank and finance work was his strength, not his foreign policy.
Ironically, Jim Leach is on the board of Common Cause, a group that doesn't endorse candidates. November will soon be upon us.
06 August 2008
Local State Senator suggests $70 million for new building be moved for flood recovery
His suggestion certainly has some merit for consideration. The Floods of 2008 require discussion and response.
Checks and Balances: Impact from the Flood of '08
We need a comprehensive overall of our State's tax system. The State of Iowa is over 150 years old and much of its infrastructure and government needs to be revisited and improved.
Today's headline in The Gazette, written by Rick Smith, "C.R. to request state's help" is a revisit to our City Manger's lobbying efforts this spring in Des Moines for "options for diversification" in local tax and revenue authority. Without the Flood of '08, the city was pushing for authority to raise money other than through property taxes.
There is no question. The State of Iowa relies too much on property taxes.
Locally, taxpayers should visit with our City Council, neighbors and community leaders to suggest a 1% local option tax for the City. We should have a discussion and strongly consider use of a local sales tax in flood recovery and improves to our infrastructure. Look at city like Sioux Falls. Sioux Falls uses a sales tax for both operations and infrastructure.
However, our State needs to be careful, not to jump on the Impact Fee bandwagon. Economic development and our ability to compete with other cities and states could be greatly impacted.
04 August 2008
Enjoying the Fresh Air in Iowa after the Smoke-Free Air Act

02 August 2008
Is the Carver Goverance Model Good for the City of Cedar Rapids?

Lets look back at the City of Cedar Rapids for a moment. Back in 2004-05, the City of Cedar Rapids formed a Local Home Rule Charter Commission to draft an alternative to Cedar Rapids' commission form of government, which was adopted back in 1908.
In June 2005, fueled by the community's public discussion on the efficiencies of the commission form of government, the voters of Cedar Rapids adopted the Local Home Rule Charter, adopting the council-manager form of government for the City of Cedar Rapids. Or, is it the City Manager form of government? The voters passed the Home Rule Charter with 69% support (pdf link).
In the summer of 2006, the young City Council, under the council-manager form, hired the first official city manager for the City of Cedar Rapids. Our current city manger, Jim Prosser, prefers the Carver Governance model. Which draws me to ask two very important questions?
- Is the Carver Governance model right for a community transitioning from one form of government (Commission) to a new form of government (Council-Manger)?
- Due to the tragic flooding of 2008, is the Carver Governance model right for Cedar Rapids now?
What is the Carver Governance model and is it right for the City of Cedar Rapids? Also known, as the Policy Governance® Model created by Dr. John Carver. Training is available in September and October by attending training seminars conducted by Miriam Carver; introduced and moderated by John Carver.
According the Carver's website, the governance model "is the world's most complete theoretical foundation for the board's governance role in business, nonprofit (NGO), and government organizations." It's an interesting subject and one that our City Council, stakeholders and voters need to understand and discuss.
My biggest concern is whether Cedar Rapids' culture makes the Carver model a good fit. Further, from the web site, "Policy Governance boards (IE: our city leaders) demand accomplishment of purpose, and only limit the staff's available means to those which do not violate the board's pre-stated standards of prudence and ethics." Under such a young form of government, have the board's pre-stated standards of prudence and ethics been defined by our local leaders?
What do others say about Carver: (Links to simple google searchs):
- A community's concerns over Saskatchewan Healthcare implementation of the Carver model. Clearly, Mario deSantis has a dark view of how the Carver model by the public health care system in Canada.
- Ontario Literacy Coalitions take on the Carver model.
- "Most boards don't work," which is one of the Carver baselines. Well, the new form of government can't really answer that question, since they are brand new? So, is Carver right for a new government, when it has never had an opportunity to show whether it works or not? A Paradigm Shift for Charter School Boards: The Carver Model of Policy Governance.
- Durango School Talk organization highlight Policy Governance as a current issue.
- More comments from Mario deSantis, a board member who commented on his first impression of the Carver model.
- From the Institute on Governance; we changed forms of government, not seeking "advice on improving in governance"... the voters of Cedar Rapids were seeking a more efficiency in local government.
- I keep seeing the reasons why people adopt the Carver model, but can you adopt Carver fully before the pre-stated standards of prudence and ethics are established? Another link to the Institute on Governance points to the "importance you believe governance is important, you may wish to consider where it should sit in the list of priorities facing your organization. Is this model good for implementing a new form of government?
- One church has found the Carver model very popular? This blog speaks to the Unitarian Universalist denomination's use of the Caver model.
- The Alban Institute talked about the Carver model as a secular practice.
- What impact will globalization and urban change have on our public policy discussions in Cedar Rapids... will we ask the critical questions and set the key priorities?
It's interesting to learn about various topics or subjects. The Carver ore Policy Governance model is one that all in the City of Cedar Rapids should add to their list. Our City Manager is a proponent. It is very popular in Canada, like with the CWWA, and with many in the non-profit organizations. There are cities and counties that have adopted or discussed the Carver model. Like Gresham, Oregon; Dallas suburb, City of Frisco; and Union County, North Carolina
What is the official position for the City of Cedar Rapids? Have we clearly adopted Carver? Is the Carver Governance model good for Cedar Rapids at this time?
The Flood of 2008 was unbelievable, very surreal, and has impacted everyone in our community. The Carver Governance model will impact our community as we work to continue our lives and rebuild from this tragic event in '08. We need to find a way to balance our "crisis" mode with everything that must continue on, despite the tragic events of 2008.
August, 1, 1987: Our Wedding Anniversary
I began writing a sports blog in 2007, so after reflecting on my concerns about politics in the Cedar Rapids area, I thought a blog dedicated to public policy is more fitting, than to combine my love for sports and interest in public policy discussion into one blog: http://cidsports.blogspot.com/.